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New update on my vegan focused nutrition site: Auto picked crowd corrected pictures, vegan ethical host and more..

Here we are with a new update again. --> First of all, we are now hosted on a vegan ethical host! Check it out: Our new algorithm now automatically picks pictures from wikimedia commons. They then can be corrrected with crowd voting. YOU can make the site better now!    Finally the requested recipe fields: persons, instructions, image£ And some minor improvements (https works again) Hey, which other scientific nutritional site gives you all these features?
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V-nut, my vegan focused nutrition site

I never said it here, but I'm actually the creator of V-Nut , a vegan focused nutrition site. Analyse recipes, check your personal food pyramid and much more! This is the only nutrition site on the web with all these unique features, such as: Total nutritional value for a recipe! Search operators Combined sorting Sorting by nutrition value per calorie Immediately comparing search results by relative bar representation A lot of info directly without information overload. (By using hovers and accordions.) A unique graphical presentation Focus on some important nutrients for vegans Nutrients that "may" be rarer for vegans are marked. Filtering of concentrates Vegetarian food only (and some vegan filtering, though it needs some work) A more real food pyramid in your personal requirements Homepage Detail of one food Personal food pyramid Helpful tooltips R

Trash ..some people will never change. Refocusing activism and politics

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The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions and godlike technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall. - Edward Osborne Wilson American biologist, naturalist, and writer, "the father of sociobiology"


  Brothers and sisters, let's abandon the myth that insecurity necessarily comes from a lack of love of oneself! Someone that loves oneself dearly can still be insecure. Such a person has no problems accepting and loving oneself. The real problem here is that they value the acceptance, approval or love of others more than one's own. Thank you (And don't we all do -at least at times- a bit of that?)

Instinct consciousness

LOVE meat, yet do not eat Disgusted by gay sex, yet pro gay rights. I'd like a housewife or off-grid hippy, yet supporting her any way I want to murder stupid people, yet tolerance, understanding and fun find me One dark inside, yet care and love prevail Be thyselve, they say... Nay, I cannot.. I am the "unreal" vegan I am the homofoob I am the sexist I am the arrogant bigot I am ! ... yet I love and I grow Bore heavy loads Given heart & soul Sought no crown ...still... There it bodes and bodes a darker hole As you look down Utopia needs darkness.. least written down. - yours truly