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Showing posts from 2006

Learned the more exact meaning of a word...

Thank you Karel for expanding my dictionay up here! Karel, my nephew, has pointed me out the more exact meaning of a certain word. It's so important to me because I actually have been looking for a word to describe those people that I have always had an interest in, in the way that the result of their actions are a source of much suffering. The word is: Conformist conformists are those who attempt to comply with all societal norms , generally so as to not stand out in any way and hence be subject to potential ridicule or other social sanctions I needn't to point out that the source of this is: FEAR (once again)

Looking for guidance (in Belgium) to help in the world.

I have been activily looking and solliciting for a job in world development for, what must have been, almost a year now. The looking teaches me about the chaos and the difficulty it is to really find something effective to do good, as if "doing good" is deliberitly made the hardest thing to do. The rejections on my sollicitations on the other hand, at least tells me that I started very late in my life (31 years old now), but also gives me the impression that Human Resources in such organisations, be it governmental or not, are still looking for conservative, "polite" and conformistic people, not realising the most resources and capacities today lies elsewhere. Wake up! The world has changed, yet again (and will forever). Now,.. right now,.. I was looking for a way to help out again, here on the internet, while I realised that one way of helping is to tell everyone what I experienced as something that helped already. So, I want to tell to all the Belgian people ...

My new pet, Antoine

I have a new pet, who lives mostly between my table legs. Nice chance to use that close-up setting of my camera once!

My Playbock

Finally, managed to get some time for myself to make my own T-shirt. I designed this pic from the less effected playbock. I love it.

Close and far

People say the world is so small today, everything so close, you can travel anywhere in no time and cheap. But when talking about poor people and starvation, "pfeeeuh, man!" that'so far away, it's so far from my home, it's just nothing to worry about for us, you know! Let someone closer handle it.