Television is a nice gadget for the elite profiting from the rest of us, the masses we are, via different systems (government, capitalism, globalism, but also less obvious not-yet-'ism's, ..). Other men's and fictionous lies and dreams we experience as our own and we think we are content, even fulfilled, but it makes us (and more specifically our brain) lazy and softy! But now, lately T.V. has become so boring for some of us (the more intelligent?). These brain food craving people started to realise this and some of them/us stopped watching TV, or at least in some extent. But the system is not stupid, maybe unconscious in some way (unless you are a conspiracy believer) (also one could also reason that the system is just a reflection of the inner beast of us all), but not stupid, hell no. It/they invented a new addiction, computer games!! Maybe more specifically MMORPGs and World of Warcraft. Though it's not so brain killing (at least not in the beginning when you h...
Just stuff, you know.