Here is something I experienced a couple of hours ago and though I might have to edit this text, I wanted to share it already to anyone interested in meditation, especially the "no thoughts" meditation as I call it now. As usual, it contains some on-first-sight contradictions that really aren't if you think it through. If you know me, you might still not be used to it, but at least you're warned now. :-) I hope once to create a meditation youtube channel and you might catch the edited version then. Here I go... When you are meditating on "just being", "not thinking" -or at least the one I experienced once, near Oeiras, Portugal, august 2017- and when you reach it, you won't realize it on that moment, because I suppose that would mean you just lost it because realizing is some way of thinking, or at least losing your focus. But you might realize it after your meditation. At least that is what I did then. Don't worry, you will still en...
Just stuff, you know.