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Showing posts from February, 2004

Trial to let SCREAM use blogs

If you don't know what SCREAM is, click on the logo on my menu (or here ). Today I had an idea that it would beneficial to this organization to use blogs too. I hope that because of all their work to do and the difficulties with networks in Kenya (the net is not accessible that easy for everyone out there), they don't leave this little chance. Phyllis , in case you would read this: Hi! Don't you think this is nice ? You can't answer this, but it's meant rhetorical. I hope you let me set this up for you. (No hard feeling if you won't though :-) )

Paranoïa .. Do you feel watched ?

How come that a lot of people are feeling watched or feel that somebody or 'they' are controlling facts of their life ? I am talking about those feelings that are expressed in some famous movies, like 'Truman Show', 'THE MATRIX' (!), 'Lost Highway', 'The Discovery of Heaven', etc..... Maybe we ARE being manipulated in some way and we have to WAKE UP. But how ??? But maybe, it is just the feeling that humans have always had and that is why we invented Gods of all kinds, already starting this, being cavemen. Or even further, leaning to the work of Vön Häniken, 'Were the gods astronauts'; once a far evolved species has been on earth long before and that's why we started with Gods etc. and now we are still feeling this because of the remains in our culture that a God must exist. On the other hand, that far evolved species could still be around! Or maybe, .. and so on and on and on and on......

Are the most economic evolved countries colder then the other ?

Are the most economic evolved countries colder then the other ? It seems so. What is more and this has been shown with statistics, is the fact that the colder the country, the more suicides have happened. And maybe this is linked together, evolution and cold countries. I mean that when we do not feel at ease or comfortable, we tend to find solutions or invent to compensate. Or maybe more because of the distractions of uneasiness and incomfort, we keep our minds busy with something else. Who knows ?? But, like in warm countries, there was never the need to build fantastic houses or warm clothes etc... since most of the time it's more pleasant to spend time outside... Why are there so many people travelling to warm countries for some relaxation etc.. ?

Same side of the moon.

The moon is always with the same side to the earth. (Does anybody knows if the moon doesn't have a slight difference in axis- and earthrotaion ? In that case the moon could have turned in ages and was once with the other side faced at us.)

Do we use only 30 % of our brain ?

Do we use only 30 % of our brain ? Actually we use our brain mostly at a high percentage of what is possible! I mean, we can't use every region of our brain at the same time and we can at one time only use what we are able to use. BUT it is true that we can develop our brain much more by practice, learning, etc... (consciously or not) so that the branches of our neurons get more developped. In my opinion, the real 'measure' of potential intellect (or a biggest part of it) is the rate, complexity and the usefullness of developing branches. Still, 2 people with this same potential can have a totally different intellect. It all matters on the environment and need to develop. (mind: Wanting is needing!) Also, it's not because you are not a super-math brain, you are not extremely intelligent. It all depends what you use it for. Maybe you were never interested in math and/or you took advantage of your brain-power in alternative ways. This can be anything (lateral thin...

Not a vegetarian ? You probably never thought about it, or you are a coward.

Why I think meat-eaters can never prove their right to eat meat unless you are careless, cowardous towards animals or you have never really thought it through (completely objectivily). Or you really think animals don't feel pain. Or you really think we treat animals very well. Yeah, RIGHT !! See it here (partly; never finished it; to aggressive, who would listen anyway ?) Some died project of mine

Brain less active then sleeping while watching TV!

It is a scientific fact that your brain is less active when watching television then when sleeping. Isn't that amazing ? No wonder, I mean when you see a movie for example, the stars are doing it all for you. When they are shot at, they duck. When they are hit, they take the blow. All this while you are just relaxing in your seat. Probably also an indication that your brain is slurping this up and makes us all retards or naïve believers after a lifetime of tv watching. Luckily enough I don't watch that much tv. There is nothing to see that's interesting. All these channels, but all the samle thing over and over again. And still, when watching a movie, even a stupid one, I always insist in seeing the end. On the other hand, imagine not sleeping for a couple of days. I've tried this out for 3 days (so, without sleeping for 2 nights; not an easy job if nobody keeps you awake). But I am not the only one. Controlled scientific tests have been showing this mul...