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So real ...

This night I had one of those experiences in my dreams that are so unique. I am at the same time happy and unhappy about it. Happy because I am able to experience such bizar psychedelic things. Unhappy because it scares the hell out of me.

Let me start with the first one I experienced.  It happened, like euh... 4-5 years ago.

I was running in my schoolyard of then. Meeting a lot of familar people, browsing and jumping around from room to room (moving around in just a thought, like it happens in dreams).

At a certain moment I was running from a which, a very dark one (figures!). The feeling I got was quite similar than what I got in the movie "The Blairwhich project", .. only 100 times more strong. Running, shouting, running... Strange was that I seemed the only one noticing that "thing" behind me. It was so scary and dark. Leaving me feel like it was the darkest of things coming for me to make my days to come the worst of all pains.   Run, Ruby, run!
After a lot of breathing and running, I lost her finally in a small room with 2 staple beds. 3 boys where already occupying 3 beds and I occupied the upper right one. I kinda remembered talking a bit with the guys.  I thought I finnally got rid of the which!  It was a dream, you know, so some things can just go away in thin air.  Still, I had to check one last time. I looked under my bed, to the bed below and AAAAAAAAAAAaarrrgggg....that was not a boy, but the which-monster -thing!!!!!!Heart beat raised 400 %, pissed in my pants, couldn't move, ...  frozen...  thinking "the end of me"......

I waked up.... sweating like I just came out of a sauna, shaking all over. (Didn't pissed my pants though. Luckily that was only in the dream)...
Then I looked a bit around; you know, you can be totally confused when waking out of a dream, not realising right away who you are, where you are ..
Slowly, I started to realise I was in my room and everyhting was all right...
Then,... suddenly..., I noticed "something" under my wardrobe. Was it a noise I heard, a little movement that I saw, a wind, ...? I can't remember. I probably was still a bit confused from my dream, trying to make those connections in my brain to work. Then, even more suddenly, that fucking WHICH (in the from of a big hairy beast) jumped from under my wardrobe in a grabbing pose, right at me !!!!

I waked up a second time... This time for real...

I still remember that experience very lively... I think I was never so scared in my life... How can a dream (the one I waked up into) be so real ? I was in my bed, in my room with everything exáctly the way it was in reality and it felt so real too.
Very strange.

Hehe, just got a crazy thought right now: Suppose "something like" the Matrix got one of those error twitches that made my dream monster real after all... and they realised it and quickly shut me off, removed the monster and made me believe it was just a dream ?... You know, having  experienced it so real, ..sometimes...just sometimes I actually believe this kind of thing.

Anyway,  coming to last night.  I experienced a bit a similar thing. Actually, writing this, I just waked up.. I think I just start falling a sleep just before dawn or so...and I want to write this down to get rid of that creepy feeling still in me, somewhere deep...

You know, I sleep in a very small room (4x4m²) and the sound isolation is so bad, incredibly, frustratingly "not there" !! I hear everything my neighbours do. Unfortunatly it is a couple and I hear them fuck too.

Last night, they went for it like 2 hours long!! Squeeking of the bed, irregularly so that you can not expect the squeek at regular points in time and thus you cannot nót notice it. I was drawn from out of my sleeping in.  I was almost completely sleeping when those bastards waked me up.  That was like 1:00 AM.
I say "bastards" because that is how it feels like when you can't find peace in your own bed, even though they tried to make no noise (yes, I can hear that too, them trying not to make noise!).  I don't really blame them, but I still was thinking then of slidding their throats with an unsharp knife as slowly as possible.
You know, I am a one of those people that have the hardest times just to fall asleep.   Mostly, once asleep, it's OK, but those things are really the last things I need!!
I have taken sleeping pills several times in the past. Tried real drugs, "insleeping" pills, homeopathic stuff... but all of them have ór a really negative side of taking them (especially the drugs) ór are too weak.  Imagine my anger last night knowing my insomnia problem now.

So, after a while, when it was clear they wouldn't stop, I put in my ear plugs and put one the music (a bit too loud so they would hear it too. Let thém be frustrated for a while. I hoped they didn't like classic music at all!!) Actually, I could have used those ear plugs before, but sometimes they keep me awake (I hear white noise and my heartbeat too loud then. I know, I am a sad case).
With frustration in my mind and hoping to disturb them with my music, I started to sleep in. I remember thinking the guy upstairs would come down and knock on my door to share hís frustration and me giving him a load of shit. (I have done that with my former neighbour myself, together with a lot of different trials to make him be more quiet, alas.., it didn't help.)  Still frustrated like hellborn -I didn't get much sleep this week, partly because of them- I kept holding on to that tought, only worse and worse. In stead of giving him a load full of shit (orally), I imagined fighting with him, grabbing a knife from the kitchen, etc... In short: crazy thoughts.
I fell asleep.

Screaming like a girl, I woke up with the sight of "something". It was all very fuzzy, but it looked like a white elfish giant (a scary one nevertheless) or was it rather like a transparent, ghostly octopussy ?
Anyway, I was grabbing its arm already from before I could remember. While I was grabbing and shaking that arm (to which purpose, I was completely unaware of), slowly I regained my sight and everything went dark (it was still night). But I was still grabbing somebody's arm!  I was wide awake now, and I still held an arm!!!! At that time I was still screaming like a girl. It all happened very fast.
Then, my heart started pounding like hell .. "This is real !! There is someone in my room and I am holding his arm...  a thief ? that guy upstairs ??? coming to teach me a lesson, ín my sleep ?? SHIT!! Whose arm am I holding?? ... Did I start to fight before I was awake ?? How long has this been going on?"
Crazy thoughts like that. Meanwhile I was fighting with that arm I held with my right arm. Amazingly my left arm grow soar.. I realised that I didn't feel my left arm before, but now, now it started to hurt at my wrist.. Wrist ?? Isn't that where I am holding that other arm ? Am I holding my own arm ? .... I was !!!
Oooff and du-uh !!

Afterwards I realized this ridiculous situation with a very big feeling of shame (partly because upstairs they must have heared me screaming, and like a girl nonetheless!). My heart slowly returned to normal beat.  I must admit I kept feeling scared for a long time. Trying to imagine what exactly happened. "Who turned my music off ? Why is someone walking very quietly into his bed upstairs ?" Probably all coincedences, but shit.. that creepy, uneasy feeling kept me vibrating.

Anyway, my arm was actually completely numb, it was sleeping.  I probably lied down on it or so.


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