I have had this idea for as long as I can remember, but only lately it has taken some form in thoughts & words. Though it needs a lot of fixing -aren't words so limited ?-
Now I am putting it here to release it so it won't occupy my thoughts so much. Also, maybe someone can learn from this, though I doubt it isn't said already somewhere else and I doubt my blog is read by many people. (Pride is my everlasting burdon too.)
Basics of equality:
Actually, it's so easy, but probably also so "against one's individuality and pride" that it is so difficult to learn and live by it, if not completely subjectivily rejected by one's mind at first sight!!
So, please open your mind before reading on.
You see, what makes a person ? Well, it's simple actually, man equals DNA (body, looks, behavior, ..) + life experience (education, accidents, confrontations, luck!, .. ; though isn't luck , or rather: chance, what life experience is the result from and not such a part of it, but the reason for it to be unique). Anyway, MAN=DNA+EXP. For those religious people among us just add spirit (man=DNA+(lives-)EXP+spirit).
Secondly, no man, I said nó man, no one at all has made his own DNA, his own EXP and his own spirit. In short, no one has made himself.
"You did", you say ? How can it ? I mean, even if you say something like "Well, I fighted in my life." or "I had no chances" or "I made it happen", I say "Bullshit!!". You fighted more than others ? OK, possible, but it's still a result of DNA or EXP (or spirit), etc... I mean everything that drives you (or holds you back) that makes you yóu is still not your own doings, but a result of the past.
If one accepts this and embraces it, one can then come to the fact that everyone stands on the same level. Everyone is worth respect, love, etc... Everyone is equal in this sense because it's those two or tree things that made us and we have had no immediat, no 'real' say in it.
OK, we are all unique individuals because of our unique DNA, our unique experience (and our unique spirit). Fortunatly! It would be pretty boring otherwise! But we all are equal because of the same reasons!
In this view, for example, a serial murderer disserves the same respect as a hard working mother that tries her best to give her kids happiness and grow into happy persons.
Of course, the serial murderer has to be taken and put to prison (and preferably made into a better person) and I won't like that kind of person, but it could be you!! If you were born with his disorders (if not the murdering only result of EXP), into his family and grown with his problems, bad luck and life's shit, exactly as he would have (,and have the same spirit) , you would be that person and would have done exactly the same.
That's why we need all to look at eachother from that point of view and try to help one another to be better persons.
Let's not just lock up the bad people! Let's learn from them and make this world less a place where such persons can grow into.
Let's not be frustrated with this person's wrong action or that person's (material or psychological) possessions and instead imagine being that person and how you would have become such and maybe trying to tell him how lucky he is- put a "she/" everywhere there is a "he" for the sake of not being abashed by all those feminists - or how wrong the first one is. Anyway, I don't wanted to make this a moral lecture, but...think about it (hard! ;-) ).
To sum it up, or better align it:
Now I am putting it here to release it so it won't occupy my thoughts so much. Also, maybe someone can learn from this, though I doubt it isn't said already somewhere else and I doubt my blog is read by many people. (Pride is my everlasting burdon too.)
Basics of equality:
Actually, it's so easy, but probably also so "against one's individuality and pride" that it is so difficult to learn and live by it, if not completely subjectivily rejected by one's mind at first sight!!
So, please open your mind before reading on.
You see, what makes a person ? Well, it's simple actually, man equals DNA (body, looks, behavior, ..) + life experience (education, accidents, confrontations, luck!, .. ; though isn't luck , or rather: chance, what life experience is the result from and not such a part of it, but the reason for it to be unique). Anyway, MAN=DNA+EXP. For those religious people among us just add spirit (man=DNA+(lives-)EXP+spirit).
Secondly, no man, I said nó man, no one at all has made his own DNA, his own EXP and his own spirit. In short, no one has made himself.
"You did", you say ? How can it ? I mean, even if you say something like "Well, I fighted in my life." or "I had no chances" or "I made it happen", I say "Bullshit!!". You fighted more than others ? OK, possible, but it's still a result of DNA or EXP (or spirit), etc... I mean everything that drives you (or holds you back) that makes you yóu is still not your own doings, but a result of the past.
If one accepts this and embraces it, one can then come to the fact that everyone stands on the same level. Everyone is worth respect, love, etc... Everyone is equal in this sense because it's those two or tree things that made us and we have had no immediat, no 'real' say in it.
OK, we are all unique individuals because of our unique DNA, our unique experience (and our unique spirit). Fortunatly! It would be pretty boring otherwise! But we all are equal because of the same reasons!
In this view, for example, a serial murderer disserves the same respect as a hard working mother that tries her best to give her kids happiness and grow into happy persons.
Of course, the serial murderer has to be taken and put to prison (and preferably made into a better person) and I won't like that kind of person, but it could be you!! If you were born with his disorders (if not the murdering only result of EXP), into his family and grown with his problems, bad luck and life's shit, exactly as he would have (,and have the same spirit) , you would be that person and would have done exactly the same.
That's why we need all to look at eachother from that point of view and try to help one another to be better persons.
Let's not just lock up the bad people! Let's learn from them and make this world less a place where such persons can grow into.
Let's not be frustrated with this person's wrong action or that person's (material or psychological) possessions and instead imagine being that person and how you would have become such and maybe trying to tell him how lucky he is- put a "she/" everywhere there is a "he" for the sake of not being abashed by all those feminists - or how wrong the first one is. Anyway, I don't wanted to make this a moral lecture, but...think about it (hard! ;-) ).
To sum it up, or better align it:
- EVERY person is a SUM of
(if you're religious:) what you were before fertilisation (SPIRIT)
what is given just after fertilisation (DNA)
what shapes the whole you afterwards (EXP) (which is a result of the previous and chance) - NO ONE made himself or the previous 3 summations because that would be impossible, namely making something from nothing. Since one is nothing, have no thoughts and no desires before you exist, one cannot make something of it.
- Because of this, all people are equal by principle (and animals too, anything that can suffer or has consciousness). Equal in the sence of disserving the same rights etc...
This last point is difficult to descibe since I don't want to express that a criminal murderer disserves to walk the streets if he hasn't been healed. (Oh yes, I believe non-criminal murderes exists. What about those that defend a country from invasions ? etc..)
One just has to learn to put ones emotion aside and try to learn from every life and try to not make other's worse. Maybe this will one day lead to the end of the eternal question or actually answer it!
This thing will need a lot of drafting, I suppose, untill it would really express what I really have in mind....
brain scientists doubt the existence of free will anyway. Though there is also the idea that free will could work via chaos theory, or sth like that. The shere amount of unknowns introduce a sort of randomness. Thus it is not said that everyone would act the same, as I understood it.
Some parts are a bit difficult to follow.
My question: How does equality combine with restricting reproduction to the able ones?
Or is it just that no bad people? (via DNA or experience)
Well would require consitent conduct from people.
I am not sure if it is possible to breed a race of
people totally in control of themselves.
Anyway, even if it is possible I am not sure if it
is desirable.
Maybe all crap the above. Okay let's change the system.
Let humans become humans again. Maybe then a chance.
Just felt reminded of that movie "The village".
Damned late again. Nothing done yet.
Maybe good and bad doesn't exist. Is is just a matter of definition. Eventually a socieatal agreement.
You can have 2 equal individuals, so to speak, live the same experience. Still,
it will be his choice of reaction on that experience that will determine who he is and who he will become ...isn't it ?
I see by your reaction that you have not fully gasped my theory. Not that I want to say that this theory is the only truth, just that what you saying does not weaken this theory or that it even doesn't comply in general without this thoery.
You know, a lot of people answer that idea of choices making the difference to this theory. It is a common mistake, a common self-defense (of that thing in us that wants to think everythin you are and got is all your own doing).
But, you see, that is exactly why I asked people to open their minds before reading/hearing it, because, as I see it, this is your mind trying to defend itself and 'diserving' certain things because it is 'you' that made different choices and thus made it all happen.
Here comes the explanation:
I agree with you, of course, choices making a furhter path a further 'self'. But where do you think those "choices" come from in the first place? Why this ind. happen to make this choice and not another ?
Well, it is exactly the same thing again.
First, it is his DNA which has made his brain before birth. And that is the firstthing that took part in his current choice.
Then you have previous experience(s) (from coincedences or other choices) that also changed the ind. (his brain or his whole self) and thus also influences his current choice on his current experience.
(And thirdly - sorry can't leave out- if you believe in spirit, that will also have made an influence on his current choice.)
You see, it's actually all started from the beginning. A bit like a 'butterfly effect' maybe.
In short, choices themselves are included in this theory.
A choice is nothing else than a consequence of DNA, previous experience (and spirit).
You started with nothing you have 'chosen' yourself and only that makes your further way, yourself later. Only, we like to fool ourselves that 'we' have made choices ourselves (from nothing) and it's all our responsability. Let's be honest and logic, you didn't create yourself and 'self' only developed later, not before you were. How can it ? How can something in the future make itself in the past ?
I hope one can understand, because it is very hard to understand and to objectivily look at it.
What ís certain (for me) is that it is impossible to live by it.
This theory only opens perspectives that can be usefull for other things, like self-realisation, social equality, respect, tolerance, happiness(!), ...