I believe that a lot of poor countries have a lot to do with poor (selfish) politics.
While looking for a job to help people, I finally came across a statement that expresses one of my deepest feelings, coming from a philosophy that for anyone to deserve happiness in this world, one should help in letting the whole world having the same chances first. Only then, the next steps can be taken. I would even exagerate and say that the more one does for the poorer, and the more poor the latter, the more that one should merit happiness. And I am not talking about results, but about the effort one makes in it. (e.g. One can't possibly think that a billionaire offering 0.001 % of his wealth for such a cause and in that way and budget helping more people, has done anything more than one that himself almost has nothing and offering 50% . Though the first might have more results and helped more people, I find that the latter disserves the most credit!)
Anyway, babbling about again. That sentence I found is the following. Supposed to be said by Oxfarm:
Mass poverty in the midst of global prosperity is morally unacceptable, politically unsustainable and economically wasteful.
(I love the last adjective, surely giving that extra glitch for those economists-by-principle out there.)
(I know it doesn't completely adher with that deepest feeling of mine above, but it sure hits the bullseye!!)
I found that statement here: World Bank: To fight poverty, empower the poor
P.S. Anyone knowing any project where a simple, though intelligent engineer/web developer/sportive guy can help ?
(Doubt that intelligent part if I can't simply find it myself. Du-uh!)
While looking for a job to help people, I finally came across a statement that expresses one of my deepest feelings, coming from a philosophy that for anyone to deserve happiness in this world, one should help in letting the whole world having the same chances first. Only then, the next steps can be taken. I would even exagerate and say that the more one does for the poorer, and the more poor the latter, the more that one should merit happiness. And I am not talking about results, but about the effort one makes in it. (e.g. One can't possibly think that a billionaire offering 0.001 % of his wealth for such a cause and in that way and budget helping more people, has done anything more than one that himself almost has nothing and offering 50% . Though the first might have more results and helped more people, I find that the latter disserves the most credit!)
Anyway, babbling about again. That sentence I found is the following. Supposed to be said by Oxfarm:
Mass poverty in the midst of global prosperity is morally unacceptable, politically unsustainable and economically wasteful.
(I love the last adjective, surely giving that extra glitch for those economists-by-principle out there.)
(I know it doesn't completely adher with that deepest feeling of mine above, but it sure hits the bullseye!!)
I found that statement here: World Bank: To fight poverty, empower the poor
P.S. Anyone knowing any project where a simple, though intelligent engineer/web developer/sportive guy can help ?
(Doubt that intelligent part if I can't simply find it myself. Du-uh!)