John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man"
In my investigation of the World Bank (via internet, people's opionions, T.V.), I stumbled across this book of John Perkins (the author of "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man") (Thank you Franco to make me stumble).
This made me think this often re-occuring thought to me: What can I believe ? Who tells the truth ? Certainly issues like censure, lying, fathers of wishes, frustrated wrong-waying people, etc... make it almost impossible to find out the truth.
I feel like walking in a forest, trying to see the trees ánd the forest, then realizing I am blind and could be anywhere.
If someone out there knows any way to find out any truth, or at least to narrow it all down to usefull probabilities, let me know and I'll put you as a candidate for a Nobel Prize.
Another one of those problems out here that I have found more and more compelling as well as frustrating in my life as well as for the whole world is that doctors of today seem not really concerned with their patients anymore, when practicing their profession rather focusing on symptom treatment and "pills" (so to speak) than the causes and real health or well being of the patient. Also that they are weigh too much focused on the money they " deserve " and the competition ( do I smell another form of my favorite word conformism in the latter? ). I have had a lot of discussions with some medicine students (not coincidently), and though I thought a lot of them wouldn't come out for it, I was surprised to learn that a lot of them dó admit that (the promise of) money is a big part in their decision to study medicines!! Of course it's not merely doctors, but the whole health care institution that is becoming more and more of a profiting "machine...