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Showing posts from May, 2005

Said by the right person at the right time, dangerous words carry angel wings.

Did you notice that the Anakin Skywalker said "If you are not with us, you are my enemy" and that's actually what little Bush said ( "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists" ) ? Í didn't,like "typically what a the bad guy would say". It is said that Lucas wrote this line long before Bush said it. Well, it's not that other leaders in the world haven't said this before and failed (us). I hope you dó understand what this sentence means or where it leads to !? Like always, these guys forget the look at the source. Why does terrorism exist ? (For God's sake, they ARE the source.) Of course, words and action are two different things. Let's hope it stays with words. Thanks, someone, for pointing that out.

One of the deeper philosophies of "The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy"

During bedtime after watching the "The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" -I know, the books are better, but I don't have too much time to read (another trick of 'them')- I realised something funny I missed in that movie. Actually something that is very true and what helps also to keep those mighty and selfish rulers of the world (and I am not necessarily talking about politicians!) in their power. Three hero's of the story arrived at the base of an ugly and boring race, the Vogons, who kidnapped the beautifull girl of the group. Once at the gate, they prepare themselves to enter and fight their way through. They kinda kick the door open, jump in and... nothing, but a clerk. They actually don't have to fight, but fill in papers. And of course there are a huge amount of papers to fill in and they don't understand what and where they have to fill in. Being a movie however, they succeed in it nonetheless in the nick of time.. But isn't it a nice tr...

Big Brother / Illuminati / The sheep system / Globalization. All in 1.

If you ever doubt there aren't enough conspiracy theories, here is a nice one with a lot of truth inside and ...well,... why don't you have a look yourself. It ís quite a package though! But tehn again, reading, ... it is not so bad, you know ? ;-) Actually, you could see this as a free book !! (Even more actual ( ;-) ), it is only a chapter of a real book: " Lifting the veil: The sign of the Sword.. ".) I have printed it out myself on 2 pages/sheet of paper recto verso (=4 pages per sheet) and it results in 15 sheets only. Anyway, here it is: THE BROTHERHOOD AND MANUPILATION OF SOCIETY