Three hero's of the story arrived at the base of an ugly and boring race, the Vogons, who kidnapped the beautifull girl of the group. Once at the gate, they prepare themselves to enter and fight their way through. They kinda kick the door open, jump in and... nothing, but a clerk. They actually don't have to fight, but fill in papers. And of course there are a huge amount of papers to fill in and they don't understand what and where they have to fill in. Being a movie however, they succeed in it nonetheless in the nick of time..
But isn't it a nice trick to avoid rebellion and attacks ? Just put a load of paper and legal maze in front of the people and they will never succeed (in whatever noble matter they are pursuiting). You don't want to bash in the head of a clerk, do you ? Not only that it might be a beautiful she nor that you probably know that he/she doesn't have a clue about things, but you are not going to kill him/her sitting there, not prepared for a fight, at a nice desk in her/his daily clothes, not expecting anything, now, are you ?
You see, this is exactly one of the ways how the richest (and most powerfull) keep us at bay, or in the ever same grand inequal division of the world's resources, of the rich and poor.