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A new Panem et circenses

Television is a nice gadget for the elite profiting from the rest of us, the masses we are, via different systems (government, capitalism, globalism, but also less obvious not-yet-'ism's, ..). Other men's and fictionous lies and dreams we experience as our own and we think we are content, even fulfilled, but it makes us (and more specifically our brain) lazy and softy!
But now, lately T.V. has become so boring for some of us (the more intelligent?). These brain food craving people started to realise this and some of them/us stopped watching TV, or at least in some extent.
But the system is not stupid, maybe unconscious in some way (unless you are a conspiracy believer) (also one could also reason that the system is just a reflection of the inner beast of us all), but not stupid, hell no. It/they invented a new addiction, computer games!! Maybe more specifically MMORPGs and World of Warcraft. Though it's not so brain killing (at least not in the beginning when you have to learn and react on input), but it ís addicting and even more time consuming. So, if you are really intelligent ánd you care about your well being and maybe that of others ánd you are powerful enough, try to game less and do something else.
Because very silently, but maybe that more quickly, the world is going downwards again, it's not developing!! Maybe technically and economically (though that's also only happening in a small part of the world) we are progressing (and thén again, one could reason that progress itself on those levels are staggering slowing down) , but on a human level, on the level of well-being, feeling happy about yourself and on a global scale, well, don't you know ? It's getting worse.
So, World of Warcrafters, WoW'ers, if you care, I challenge you to convert some of your WoW time into some more self-time, possibly non-PC, and possibly even in some other-time. I am sure some of your skills like strength, agility, intellect, spirit, etc. all seen in your 1st life on só many different levels will rise (physical strength and agility if you do some sport, emotional and psychological strength, agility or spirit etc. etc. .. you can fill in the rest, try some..) and rise!!
The same for other extreme gamers..

Too much Wow => World of the Will-less

Bread and circuses, it still works!

In everything you do, people, álways try to find a golden middle way. FUCKING HARD, I tell you!!!! The dark path is wide and easy, the way of the light is narrow and full of obstacles, but the reward is universal!! Of course, if you care but for yourself, don't bother, please!


Anonymous said…
unfortunately there is much truth in these words. i know of some in my guild that broke their school and dont get job cause they play wow the whole day. its a world where they can represent something, they dont have in reallife, success.
Ruby said…
Thanks for the example, Thermidor. You even helped me getting a better picture (see second paragraph).

You probably meant this too, but to have some success is one of the reasons why it is so fun!

Makes me think about it even more clear: We live in world where success is so narrowly defined (career, money, opinions of others, popularity, ..) that I believe it's time to believe more in oneself and to better value/recognize our successes (including WoW, why not, but not too limited to WoW only).

Maybe we should talk about it more in Wow itself, now and then, to ohers (on an easy vibe)? Though I doubt I will return soon to the realm myself.

You know, Pilly and me are always thinking of other ways to relax/entertain ourselves. Man, it's sooooo hard!! There is so little interesting things to do really.
(Though this week was fruitful, we found something nice! But that's for later..)

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