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The need to help. Therapy ?

Not really important to change the ways of (third world) development since no conclusive investigation has successfully and recognisably shown this and probably it isn't possible yet, but here's a thought:

Isn't the world making a mistake by (merely) focussing on economic growth and freedom in that way that we will bring certain population in the same unhappy state as a lot of (if not áll) the current more economic developed and "civilized" world
in their noble goals ?

By this I mean to say that you can't possibly deny that the more advanced countries of today are also the countries where more unhappiness to depressiveness occur, which on itself is an indication of the average total happiness or mental state.
Indicators that are shown in several studies to be more common in these countries:

  • more suicides
  • more therapy (e.g. in the UK today there is such a % of the population taking Prozac that it can be found back in the tap water!)
  • loneliness, exclusion and social degration
  • the stress and "negative haste" syndrome
  • less family bonds
Surely, this low mental state is linked with the fact of being "higher developed" in this particular way we are.

Isn't there the danger then, that we would risk that other, less developed countries would loose their mental strength (that I witnessed sometimes being in those countries; like how a lot of them poorest of poorest, as only one example, laugh more than we do...) by developing their "life" (what it is after all) to our standards and views ?

I dare even to wonder: Isn't the social uncounsciousness of the "wealthier" part of the world, (also) trying to reduce its loneliness or hide its problems by bringing in other social consciousness in the same circle / state, or even looking for a cure or escape for itself by doing so ?

Not that I want to say halt to development at all! Please, there is still too less of that! Probably because of the lack of an alternative. Maybe it's only the reason why we progress so slowly or why it doesn't work out.
But maybe (it is time) we should start on focussing álso on our mind and our mental wealth in stead of only on the material world.

Though I have always thought so -no, deep down félt it so- and even try to live by it by trying to influence people by challenge of principle and mind, I think this thought has been wakened more clearly and acknowledged by no one less than Isaac Asimov in his "Foundation Trilogy" that I read recently. I suspect a serendipity here -I finally remembered what this word means- , since I read this book whíle being interested in the Worldbank. I didn't look for this book , but rather stumbled upon it while looking for ANY audio book on the P2P network (after finally having bought a cellular-PDA-mp3player-in-one. Though I have had the pleasure of reading Isaac's books before, I never knew this sociological view of his. Then again, isn't the 'genre' and 'content' of áll his books, the attraction for people believing the same principles. Sigh, ... isn't every logical thing a loop, a chicken and an egg ? Sigh'er', ... does that mean the world's intelligence and its logic is merely the consequence of history and forth and forth .. leaning on my previous thoughts around predestiny (in my Basic of Principles) ? At least one answer: Not every question without answer is empty or 'knowledgeless'. Haha, I am really amusing myself here. Isn't philosophy or logic fun sometimes !!)


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